Prepare to receive the Solar Radiance of the Winter Solstice with this revisioning
of the xian advent countdown to 12/25.
For 2023, the 13 Days of Darkness begins on
FRIDAY DEC 8 and ends on MONDAY DEC 20.
The Winter Solstice (Northern Hemisphere) is THURSDAY DEC 21 at 7:28pm (Pacific).
For each of the 13 Days 12/8 to 12/20:
Ground and center yourself. Since this is about darkness, don’t light candles.
Say: “HECATE, today I honor the darkness within. I acknowledge and begin to release my feelings of ______.” Allow yourself to honor whatever comes up IN THE MOMENT. Keep it focused on ONE WORD such as grief, anger, fear, shame, doubt, unworthiness, victimization, depression, self-loathing, jealousy... Each day repeat the process, working with whatever comes up in the moment. If one particular feeling comes up more than once, that's ok. You may even find that you need to work with one particular feeling for the entire 13 days. Thank Hecate on the 13th day.
Exploring Darkness
Some basic Shadow Work goes a long way at this time of year…
Our shadow selves are those dark and mysterious places within us that we have refused to shine the “light” on, for one reason or another. The human shadow contains every thought, feeling, desire, and personality trait that we have rejected or suppressed.
Consider this test an initiation into the shadow work path…lonerwolf.com/shadow-self-test:
5 Ways to Harmonize with the Beginning of Winter as Yin Hides Yang https://tinyurl.com/mrxxry4b www.bronwynayla.com ...the first days of winter when yin hides yang. It is a time of growing cold, wherein we develop Big Yin Qi...
On the Winter Solstice
THURS 12/21, exact time Sol enters Cap is 7:28pm (Pacific). Ground and center yourself. Light a candle.
Say some of Sekhmet’s names:
or chant Sa Sekhem Sahu…
“SEKHMET, Flaming One, Most Beautiful Light! On this Winter Solstice I am ready to receive Solar Radiance into my life!”
Celebrate both the sun’s rebirth and your own!
Here’s a video on YT with many images of ppl welcoming the sun in joy, with beautiful images of Light.
“Reiki Healing Music, Deep Healing Energy, Energy Cleansing Healing Meditation Music“
3 hours By Awakening Planet

Solstice Blessings to All!
BB, Lupa