13 Days of Darkness 2021
Prepare to receive the Solar Radiance of the Winter Solstice with this revisioning
of the xian advent countdown to 12/25.
For 2021 the 13 Days of Darkness begins on
WED DEC 8 and ends on MON DEC 20.
The Winter Solstice (Northern Hemisphere) is TUESDAY DEC 21 at 7:59AM PST
For each of the 13 Days 12/8 to 12/20:
Ground and center yourself. Since this is about darkness, don’t light candles.
Say: “ HECATE, today I honor the darkness within. I acknowledge and begin to release my feelings of ______.”
Allow yourself to honor whatever comes up IN THE MOMENT. Keep it focused on ONE WORD such as grief, anger, fear, shame, doubt, unworthiness, victimization, depression, self-loathing, jealousy…
Each day repeat the process, working with whatever comes up in the moment. If one particular feeling comes up more than once, that’s ok. You may even find that
you need to work with one particular feeling for the entire 13 days.
Thank Hecate on the 13th day.
Checkout the lyrics to UPRISING, a song by MUSE, about fighting external controls; posted in 2016, so very relevant today 2021…
“They know that their time’s coming to an end
We have to unify and watch our flag ascend”
“They will not force us
They will stop degrading us
They will not enslave us
We will be victorious”
*** SEE BELOW for an additional special focus area for the 13 Days.
On the Winter Solstice, MONDAY 12/21, Sol enters Cap 7:59AM, ground and center yourself, light a candle.
Say some of Sekhmet’s names or chant Sa Sekhem Sahu… see below re Sekhmet.
“SEKHMET, Flaming One, Most Beautiful Light! On this Winter Solstice I am ready to receive Solar Radiance into my life!”
(Offer Sekhmet your ashes from the Special Focus if you saved them.)
Celebrate both the sun’s rebirth and your own!
So Mote It Be. Lupa
Special Focus Area for the 13 Days
As the insanity of “COV19” – the “vaccines”, the mandates, the lockdowns, the tests, the passports, the boosters, the variants… continues to roll over the rights of people worldwide, I add this focus, a special banishing meditation and ceremony, to 13 Days of Darkness 2021.
Each day, write one word on a small piece of paper as you focus on sending clearing and releasing energies around the world. Focus by continents may be useful at this time.
We are banishing these energies from our current world view:
Cut or tear the paper into small pieces then burn it to ash in a fireproof bowl.
Save all ashes to offer to Sekhmet on the Solstice.

Her Name is derived from the Egyptian word ‘Sekhem’,
which means “power” or “might”.
The word ‘sekhem’ is literally inseparable
from Sekhmet and Her worship.
The mantra Sa Sekhem Sahu can be chanted
to balance and increase your inner power.
Sa Sekhem Sahu is pronounced
Sa (Sah) , Sekhem (Say-Kem) , Sahu (Sah-Hoo).
Sa means the breath of life;
Sekhem means power or might;
Sahu is the realized human.