By: David T. Nicol
Uranus goes retrograde August 19, at 14 degrees Taurus. When a planet changes direction, it amplifies its intensity. Uranus is the archetype of sudden change. It is the lightning that strikes out of nowhere and changes everything in an instant. It is quirky, utterly unique, and completely unpredictable. It is abrupt and irreverent. It disrupts and destabilizes the status quo. But always in service of radical truth, originality, and freedom.

All through 2021, Uranus is in a tense square with Saturn, the god of stability, tradition, rules, and order. We could hardly ask for a more irritable clash of principles. Both Uranus and Saturn are in fixed signs (Taurus and Aquarius respectively), which means they are both stubbornly determined to get their way. This ratchets up the tension even more. Saturn in Aquarius has an important positive side. But so far we’ve been mostly experiencing its more challenging aspects of restriction and control. Restrictions in travel and social contact and control of speech and expression, for example, have been major themes this year.

The Uranian energies are amplified even more this weekend with a Full Moon in Aquarius, a sign co-ruled by Uranus. The Full Moon is conjunct Jupiter, the great beneficent, that brings in a wonderful opportunity to reach for the stars. If you’ve been feeling anxious and overwhelmed lately about the disintegrating structures of our old world order, this week offers a chance to glimpse the future that is coming on the other side. If you’ve been feeling hemmed in by the energies of control and repression, there is an opportunity now to make a breakthrough toward more freedom. Because Uranus is going retrograde, that revolution will likely take place within you, rather than in external events. Although one can never know quite what to expect with Uranus, we might get a sudden download or shift of perspective that changes everything in our inner landscape. We could be illuminated with a vision that helps us see where we are heading and enables us to set our sail in the right direction to get through the choppy waters ahead. Or maybe we’ll just break out and have a spontaneous dance party in our living room, because we just can't stand it anymore. :)
Experiential Astrology Webinar
with David T. Nicol SAT 8/21/21